Tātai Hono Consulting
About us
Illuminating the Light of our Tamariki and Rangatahi
Nau mai haere mai ki Tātai Hono Consulting. We value connections. Between people. Through time. Through te taiao. We are not separate, we are connected. Our greatest taonga is our ability to make connections as kaiako to our tamariki, connections to the learning process and connections to te taiao, for these are constant in a fast changing world. The kupu maori "Tamariki" springs from Tamanuiterā and ariki reminding us that our tamariki are devine sparks of light. Tātai Hono Consulting exists to whakamana our tamariki and rangatahi. By working with kaiako, hapū, iwi and leaders to create opportunities for our tamariki and rangatahi to see and feel their light so that they may shine in their worlds, lighting their path forward.
Tātai Hono Consulting are a part of the Ministry of Education panel of professional learning and development.
Contact Details
Bay of Plenty
Email: naumai@tataihono.com